BHA Rooted Parent Team
Inspired by Psalm 1:3: "He will be standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design, deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruit in every season of life. He is never dry, never fainting, ever blessed, ever prosperous,"
ROOTED is a Parent-led group at Branch Homeschool Academy (BHA) with a mission to serve and support as we continue to build community. Our goals include serving the BHA community well by supporting families, staff and the BHA/Foothill Vineyard Church (FVC) campus; building relationships amongst families, students, BHA staff and FVC staff; enhancing school spirit by enthusiastically promoting and managing school events and field trips; and streamline overall communication. ROOTED is a volunteer group led by 6 passionate, Jesus-loving homeschool Mommas whose desire it is to see the BHA community grow and thrive: Magda Ayala, Ashley Figueroa, Crysten Hamilton, Sammie Sanchez, Summer Shaw, and Jessica Wolfe. You will see us actively on campus and at all BHA events. We welcome your high-fives, hugs, prayers, questions, and ideas.
Please join us on GroupMe (info below) so you can stay up-to-date on all that will be happening at BHA this 2023-2024 school year. And don't be surprised if one of us taps your shoulder to help at an upcoming event! Your God-given gifts and talents would be so welcomed and deeply appreciated."
Branches as a whole (teachers, staff, and Rooted) will be taking advantage of the free platform GroupMe to streamline communication. Please download (HERE is a quick How to SetUp video) the GroupMe app to your phones/devices and join our Branches Rooted group ASAP. You will find two events (Back to School Beach day & Field trip to the Aquarium of the Pacific) ready for you to sign up (details below).
How to join the Rooted GroupMe:
Please download the GroupMe app (see the how to video above) on your phone and then click on the link below. Our group is private, so we will accept you and add you to the group. We will use GroupMe to share information and connect about all things in our Branches community. We are looking forward to connecting with you in our NEW Rooted Parent Ministry. If you have any questions or need assistance with GroupMe please contact Summer Shaw at
Rooted Parents' on GroupMe. Click here to join: