Instructor: Mrs. Kathy Delgado
Tuition, $350 annual, $175.00 per semester
Meets on Tuesdays, 12:30-2:00 pm
Year-long class, 30 weeks (no class for our annual Thanksgiving potluck and End of the Year Party).
Maximum of 14 students
Students are ACTIVELY engaged in learning through DOING. They learn & practice rhythm skills through bucket drumming, world rhythm instruments, rhythm cup games, boomwhackers, & playing specialized Orff instruments. Singing is a natural expression for children and enjoy singing partnered with movement activities as a form of worship, form of emotional expression, and development of aural skills. Music theory is taught through guided, interactive play experiences and reinforced with written assignments. Upon completion of the year, students will be prepared to take National Federation of Music Clubs Festival theory exams (& may register through our local district to take the exams if interested). Students will have opportunities to perform and share what they've learned.
Materials fee $25.00, paid by the first day of class directly to the teacher.
Students must be 6 years old by September 1, 2020.
If you have any questions, email Mrs. Norcott directly at